The Rotary Club of Forssa in English
The town of Forssa had two Rotary clubs until June 2024. Our club - Rotary Club of Forssa - was founded on April 27th 1950. The other club- The Rotary Club Sepänhaka - was founded July 18th 1972. Both clubs belonged to district 1410.
Our joined club meet in Hotel Fabrik (formerly Scandic), located in the very heart of Forssa (street address: Hämeentie 7, second floor). The Rotary Club Forssa meets every Thursday at 12.00.
The members of Rotary Club Forssa are listed on the members page. Our weekly program can be found on program page. Unfortunately other pages of this site are in Finnish only.
International programs have been a part of our function, one especially to be mentioned is Kenia Project. The idea is to provide Kenian schools with computers and internet connection so that the education can be developed so that every child would have equal opportunities for learning. Project has been such a success, a society Pro Kenia has been formed to develop the project further on. Read more on ProKenia.
If You happen to be in town, we welcome You warmly to participate in our meetings.
More information in English about Rotary.
Our joined club meet in Hotel Fabrik (formerly Scandic), located in the very heart of Forssa (street address: Hämeentie 7, second floor). The Rotary Club Forssa meets every Thursday at 12.00.
The members of Rotary Club Forssa are listed on the members page. Our weekly program can be found on program page. Unfortunately other pages of this site are in Finnish only.
International programs have been a part of our function, one especially to be mentioned is Kenia Project. The idea is to provide Kenian schools with computers and internet connection so that the education can be developed so that every child would have equal opportunities for learning. Project has been such a success, a society Pro Kenia has been formed to develop the project further on. Read more on ProKenia.
If You happen to be in town, we welcome You warmly to participate in our meetings.
More information in English about Rotary.
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster.
The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
High ethical standards in business and professionals; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;The application of the ideal of service in every Rotarian's personal, business and community life;The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
Received international club banners
You can find the international club banners Forssa Rotary Club has received from page Kuvagalleria (photo gallery), maybe one of them is from your club.
You can find the international club banners Forssa Rotary Club has received from page Kuvagalleria (photo gallery), maybe one of them is from your club.